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W3PN Hackathon Bled 2024

Bled, SI  - W3PN Hackathon
Date: Jun 19, 2024 - Jun 25, 2024 (7 days)
Venue: Subwork
@ Ljubljanska cesta 4, 4260 Bled
Status: Already happened
Visitors: n/a registered
ID: h24ble
Lead: Tree

Speakers (5)

Václav Pavlín(@vpavlin)
Core contributor @ Status, Logos, Waku
Afri Schoedon(@q9fcc)
libre software and disrupting tech, Department of Decentralization
Mykola Siusko(@nicksvyaznoy)
Web3 privacy advocate behind Web3Privacy Now
Organizing ETHRome w/ urbe.eth, making sauce w/ SpaghettETH
Orchestrating lunarpunk events ETHBrno & w3ps w/ gwei.cz