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W3PN Summmit Rome 2023

Rome, IT  - ETHRome
Date: Oct 5, 2023
@ Largo Dino Frisullo, 00153 Roma RM
Status: Already happened
Visitors: 139 people
ID: s23rom
Lead: PG

Speakers (16)

Eléonore Blanc(@blockblanc)
Crypto Educator & Founder of CryptoCanal, ETHDam organiser
Rik Krieger(@rikzrh)
Co-founder of HOPR
Vincenzo Iovino(@vincenzoiovino)
Researcher at Aragon ZK Research
Alan Scott(@tsu_kareta)
Co-founder of Railgun
Kieran Mesquita(@mesquka)
Chief scientist Railgun DAO
Andrea Togni
Philosopher, Monero policy workgroup
Denis Roio(@jaromil)
Founder of Dyne.org
Privacy Researcher
Václav Pavlín(@vpavlin)
Core contributor @ Status, Logos, Waku
Alex Zaidelson(@azaidelson)
Growth Lead @ Questbook
Carlo Avv. Chialastri
Urbe.eth lawyer
Serial hacker and community builder | core urbeEth & ETHRome
Costanza Gallo(@costgallo)
Head of partnerships at the The Swarm Foundation
Organizing ETHRome w/ urbe.eth, making sauce w/ SpaghettETH